My Sinister World

"The is reality, this is life, this is - the caos factor." -Sinister85

07 July, 2006

Blogin' in ''06

Does a fancy blog attract attention? or more to the point, does a fancy blog get more hits than any other blog in its class? What is the real reason people read them, or dont in some cases? Why do you read this one? does anyone actually read this one? Well i know of friends and family that read it, but other than that i have no idea. I put a counter in my other blog, and in a couple days had more hits than i ever imagined i could have gotten. What should a blog template be like? Lets figure this out.
First it should most definatly be easy to access, whether it be accessing it itself, or it be links. Everything has to be in plain sight, and easy to read.
Second It should probably have a gimmic, such as mine. Sinister85, i have little sinister looking fairys.
As for attracting people, blogger folks say that if you have interesting content people will find you. I dont find that so at all, and here is why. I searched a few blogs that i found interesting and they didnt have as many hits as i thought they should. If you had to catagorize your blog, what would you put it under? Sometimes i believe its hard to catagorize them, what if you dont write about certain things each time. I mean like what if you write about music one day, bush another, and the end of the world in the next. What catagory could that be classified as? Maybe society? only one problem with that, there is no such catagory.
So how can we actually attract readers? or is that even the important thing. I believe that it is, whether you believe it to be or not. I'm sure when your sitting there writing up your entry, your thinking about someone reading it. As a matter of fact im sure you do, because other wise, why would you be writing it in the first place? My best advice for gathering readers would be to get on a search engine. Or have your friends tell friends, but that usually ends up to be a flop idea.
Just a little something to think about next time you, yourself blog.

05 July, 2006

Top 3 of the evening!

PlayList Top 3's Of the Evening-

Bored? here's something to do, find these songs and experience them for your self.. compare them to what i said, and see if you agree. or see where I'm coming from.. Its a challenge!

"If someone said 3 years from now, you'll be long gone.. I'd stand up and punch them the mouth. Cuz their all wrong. i know better, cause you said forever, and ever.... who knew? remember when we were such fools. and so convinced and just too cool... no no.. no no... i wish i could touch you again. i wish i could still call you a friend.. i give, anything.. chorus x1 "

Pink in titled "Who Knew"

I'm almost positive 9 out of every 10 people can relate to this very song. Probably more than that. Everyone had that first love, and you never thought you'd be with out. And if someone had come up and said in a few years things wont be this way, and so and so wont be in your life. You know you'd think they were crazy, because after all how many people realize whether their relationships are actually going to work out or not? Maybe one out of every 14? hah or is that giving too much credit to those people?
This song by pink is amazing! You relate to the characteristics of the song. Her voice is beautiful, soulful, friendly. Its like talking to your best friend about your first love. It will make you really think about your past, and how you got to where you are. It may even make you depressed, if you still haven't quite gotten over the special someone. This song will defiantly be a top 10 this month and maybe next. I wanted to quote it at the top to show you just how captivating the lyrics where, and how they relate to all. But i guess you defiantly have to hear it to judge anything because its not all the words its pinks soul and voice. Totally got me thinking about him, that guy, my first. We were pretty serious for quite awhile, about 4 years actually. But we were just too young. As a matter of fact, maybe later check my other blog later for a piece im writing. In titled "Love and You" and or "love strong, when loves gone" haven't quite decided, heck it may not even be any of those.

Travis Tritt - "Great Day To Be Alive"

"Feelin' pretty good, and that's the truth. Its neither drink nor drug induced.. naw I'm just doin' alright. and its a great day to be alive. i know the sun's still shining when i close my eyes.. there's some hard times in the neighborhood.. but what cant everyday be just this good?"
How great does that feel to just hear something like that. I downloaded it one day, when i had everything i could have ever wanted. I had this great guy comin, and i had some money in my pocket, my back didn't hurt. I didn't have to slave away, and i got to buy clothes and stuff... And that song came on while running errands and i was just feeling it that day. and even just now when i turned it on, it made me feel pretty darn good... just thinking about feeling good..


Steve Miller Band - "Space Cowboy"

"Im a picker im a grinner, im a lover, and im sinner.. playin' my music in the sun. I'm joker, im a smoker, im a midnight toker. getting my lovin on the run.. OohhhOoohhHh....."

Who doesn't know this song? If you dont at least know of this song, your either too young for my taste, or you just have no taste.. Which could possibly be both? hah no offense to anyone, I didn't mean you have to like the song at all. Its just a nice groovy song, you can relax to it, and or Jam out to it. Its versatile. Which is probably one of its better qualities. That and the fact the lyrics are catchy, and fun. All together its a classic song that our kids will probably know and like. Although in reference to the midnight toker, i think the new popular drug is either OxyContin, or have we gone back to the early 90's thing where its 'cool' (quote unquote) to be sober? Not sober like drinking, sober like drugs.. that's a good subject to do a post on. Keep that in mind, share your thoughts with me, and i'll do some research and we'll get the bottom of the 2000-2010 popular drug(s)!
That's it for this section, i wanted to be sure to at least post a real post instead of a generic im too lazy i'll copy and paste stuff together post.. you deserve more, and im sorry! wont happen again.

<>~ *Chillaxe* ~<> *-~-*Jess*-~-*

03 July, 2006

The memory of Lynda Waters

As some may know I've spent the last few days by the side of dear friends, in a trying time. I've known the waters and Meyer's for years upon years. I'm extremely close to the entire family. at 11:05 a.m. of 06/30/06 i received a call from Chris, saying that mom is very sick, she is in ICU at st.john's and that i should get up there soon, they don't know what or how long anything is. I didn't get to see mom until yesterday, because she was restricted. She's been battling cancer. But she got an infection something they believe similar to pneumonia. She could only have 3 people in at a time, and you had to be sterilized before entering. I didn't want to get in there and take up valuable time with her. Her boys should have gone in, in which they did. And her daughter Shannon was there by her side. They were very close, they were each others best friends. The oldest daughter Samantha was stuck in Washington we got her an emergency flight to Chicago then Springfield. But due to complications later acquired she still has not arrived in town, she was expected her around midnight last night, and its 12:30 p.m. now. Lynda Waters was a sweet woman, i never heard a harsh word from her mouth in all the time I've known her. I remember the fun times with her. Like on new years eve about 4 years ago, Shawn (her youngest son, twin to Shannon) and i were drinking, and Lynda whom never drinks, decided to Join us. I cant remember in great detail. She had green boons, melon flavor i believe. She said, that was her favorite. I remember we never had as much fun as we did that night. Talking about family and friends, ranking tv shows. Just talking, and laughing harder than I've laughed in quite some time. Lynda Waters will always be that night to me. She was a caring person, she had a job with something similar to hos-pis where she went to elderly and sickly's homes and cleaned, cooked, or kept them company. This barely paid enough for the bills. if it even did. But she stayed there, not for the money. But for her clients, her friends, and future friends. That really takes a humble, honest and bright person to do such a thing. She was a good person, and she raised her kids to be honest and caring. Her boys loved her so much, and always will. They didn't want to leave her side. They all took it differently, but they were quite upset. Luckily Lynda had sent an angel to cheer them up. Her long time friend was there by her side, She made us all laugh and smile. Lynda would have had such a good time last night. we had her country music on, which she sang and danced to the nights previous to this. And we were all there, holding her hand, talking to her. She couldn't have asked for anymore than what we did. She did get the one thing that she always wanted, a grandchild! When Samantha had complications with her pregnancy it began Lynda wishing for a child even more. She told me that i had to have one before she died with Shawn or tab. Which didn't happen, but tab did have a child, a son. Brian, a beautiful little boy, sent straight from heaven to bless that family. I hope that where ever Lynda is, she knows that she will never be forgotten, always be missed, and have the eternal love of her friends and family. I wish i had not left the hospital, but i was going to fall asleep on someone if i didn't.. I left at 4 got home by 4:45 and fell right to sleep. I got a call at 5:23 although my phone being on silent in a hole separate section of the house i couldn't have possibly been awaken by it. She died around 6 a.m. peacefully I'm told, which is wonderful. She is survived by Chris and Andy Meyer's, Samantha, Tab, Shawn, And Shannon Waters. Although it feels like so many more, because of the close knit relationships she had with people. God bless her for doing all the things she did for people. I know that she is probably watching us now. May she rest, in peace..
Please take a moment of silence in remembrance of this. Thank you!

02 July, 2006

I am the queen of wishful thinking!

Choices choices, there every where aren't they? Who knew as we grew older that our choices would be so life altering. Answer the phone to talk to Sky Smith. Where could that possibly lead you? let me give you two ways that could go (We all know there is more than two but so what, we'll be POSITIVE). The phone rings you look down at the caller ID (which we all have now, what happened to being mysterious?) Its ____ (Insert high school crush here, or use generic Sky Smith,(or) Sarah Jones). Do you answer? you panic, If only your friends where here, they'd know just what to do. (scenario 1) you Answer the phone, he (or she) wants to ask you out to lovers pass. Do you accept (yet another choice, but we wont cover the endless possibilities) You end up accepting to go with him (or her). You put on your best pair of jeans that makes your butt look that special way, and your most flattering top, to accent your features. You spend 2 hours getting ready, you are beginning to agree that you look awesome, who could resist this person? He (or she) honks, doesn't ring the door bell no.. that would take to much energy. You run out to the car and get in. You two begin off on your journey. Your expecting a make out session. Or maybe all his (her) friends will be there and you guys will have this awesomely wicked time, chatting and raising hell. He(she) parks the car at lovers pass, after the awkward ride. He(she) stares out his window for a moment then quickly looks at you. He(begins forcefully having his way with you. You don't do anything because, well you wanted this too, but your not sure if you wanted it now, like this, here... maybe, you may not quite have wanted this... But you cant tell him(her). Then you would look like a little scared girl. Besides, after this he(she) will love you right? and you guys will do everything together and it will be awesome, everyone will know you, and they will love you... Before you know it, you've over thought everything and missed the hole experience. But you feel empty, you know you didn't really want this. But if you makes your relationship flourish what's the harm? he(she) drives you home, lets you out. But wait? that's it? I thought we were going to go out and do some stuff? No? you just got used and left. You call all week but no answer, You can try contacting them online but you'll seem so desperate, you end up doing it anyway. still no answer. Even though you may have had an incredible time with them, (be it that night or previous nights) its over, you got burned. Was it a good choice to answer the phone? Here is scenario 2: The phone rings, its _____ (if you don't have a name by now, your not trying!!) do you answer? you hesitate, you wish you knew just what you should do. Suddenly you decide wait, no i think I'll pass, let me seem mysterious and hard to catch. ____ is crushed but your un answered phone. He(she) begins trying to get a date with you all week. By the end of the week, you've blown him(her) off too dang many times to count. Slowly lowering his ego until he completely disappears. Leaving you free, rid of a bad. And available for the next person.
I was going to go a completely different way with choice two, but i ended up relating to the ignored call and felt bad so i made the person sad and then you totally felt bad for them, right? if you didn't, you seriously need to get a heart,you (pause) Grinch! Point being, one choice can make your life, your day, once choice can wreck your day, your life, your flow. Tread careful, this is fair warning. Anyway having said that, i would like to explain something important about my 4 blogs. I have recently got a couple of new old laptops, just to tinker on.. Play games you cant on xp, write things, (mainly blogs and my story). So that i can take them ANYWHERE... anyway I'm having some problems... With laptop one (Toshiba) its great, but i cant get the modem to install correctly. Laptops two and three (same brand model and everything) (Nec Versa) i bought one of them because i wanted to use it for a spare, or parts. Neither came with an ac adaptor. So i bought one, wrong size, I'm waiting for the replacement to arrive. So until one of the problems gets corrected, I'm stuck doing posts on this hunk... Point being that's why I'm so behind. I've been really busy and i would have had time with a laptop, but finding the time to like come up and sit down and think and write its so, hard... with the laptop I could do a little here and a little there. while doing this and that at the same time. anyway your not forgotten. Now about my story. Guess what, I'm so not getting anywhere with it. but my proposal flew, i got accepted! if i can do one thing, get everyone to agree that what i say about my life is true. Which means i have to contact everyone and we have to collaborate and be sure that I'm saying what's real. But I'm going to turn it into something positive. I'm going to a hole nother level. I'm not only going to get them to be sure I'm correct, i want to get their side. I want to have it so that everyone's views in any matter are expressed... Its really hard, I'm totally over extended here. Plus I'm being bugged to go to school. Course no one but me really knows everything I've got my fingers into... Anyway if you got something from me saying I wanted to ask you a question or something to that effect, that's what its regarding. Mainly I'm putting this on here for one person, in hopes they will read this. you know who you are... Its this guy, good guy and everything. Just brings such a pain every time we 're-meet'. Its like hello goodbye, when I had planned on a longer visit... eh its not even worth talking about... So until next time, I'm jess and that's my life, my way! with a smile (hah)