My Sinister World

"The is reality, this is life, this is - the caos factor." -Sinister85

27 September, 2006

Can music change your fate of living?

If you listened to one genre of music, from one era. Is it possible that it could make you more like that era than your own. In the end alienating you from others, confining you to one end. Waiting to erupt one day, because of lack of being. You may feel like your actually gone, because you don't belong. Relationships are hard because you act differently when things are easy. If your stuck in the 70's and the 60's its going to be hard to find yourself in 2000... imagine the way the worlds tainted view must appear? How would we appear to said person, or how they appear to you. Abnormal? strange? or would we even notice? i had so much to write about this, but i just feel drained, so just ponder that for awhile!